
Bsa martini cadet stock
Bsa martini cadet stock

Matt worked away at it, and when I checked his targets I saw some fair groups with occasional flyers. "Have at it laddie - remember, SQUEEZE the trigger. I then turned it over to the boy with about 50 - 60 rounds left in the box.

bsa martini cadet stock

Not bad for these old eyes over VERY fuzzy, very small iron sights. I adjusted the rear sight to put it right on at 100 yards and fired three shots into about 2-1/2 inches.


357 and lubed w/ LBT blue - all over a stompin' charge of 296 that is no longer listed in most manuals but was a book maximum back in the '80s. Silhouette bullet cast from linotype, gas checked, sized. The load was the same one that did so well in my first test. That rifle has hung over the fireplace for years along with a few other old single-shots but I finally hauled it out to the range last weekend and let son Matt (10 years old) give it a workout. The rifle's pretty nice condition, has an EXCELLENT trigger and a very old-fashioned ladder rear sight that is fully adjustable.

bsa martini cadet stock

I also recall that it grouped nearly a ragged hole at 50 yards and I know I was well pleased with the result. 357 silhouette ram load for the Contender. I recall that I took it to the range and test fired it with my standard (at that time). It's a BSA cadet with a 7/11 acceptance date stamped into the stock along with the Commonwealth of Australia cartouche, and it has a KANGAROO stamped into the top of the receiver. I followed like a beagle on a rabbit trail and soon it was mine. I overheard the owner negotiating with a gun show dealer, and when they couldn't agree on price he walked away. Years ago I picked up a Martini cadet that had been rebored to.

Bsa martini cadet stock